Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Mud Well in the Neighborhood

Love Thy neighbor.

Simple, straightforward, to the point.

An it harm none, do as ye will.

Another straightforward and simple quote.

Both are composed of letters into structures called words. Words with meaning. And though both quote have different words they have the same message. Live your life, with others, without hate. Love your life. Love the people within it. Respect yourself, respect others.

Don't hate on your neighbor. Don't hate differences, embrace it!

There are no exceptions to these well know quotes. No colloquiums. And yet we break these laws on a daily basis. We make assumptions based on race, sex, religions, even the shoes we wear is cause for someone to draw from the well of hate within them. That hate didn't come from the person yu were looking at. Nay, that sinkhole was created by you!

Stop looking around, you're in the seat of the backhoe that dug it, darling. It starts with little things. I hate my hair, I hate naps, I hate long pasta. One spoon of dirt, then a shovel. The hole gets deeper even though you swear you''re not doing much.

Remember, criminals have escapes prisons with spoons, and so you dig your prison, narrow and deep. Now you're stuck. You don't know how to get out. Then you see it. Something to fill that well. The metaphorical water or dirt.

You find something external to hate. Black people, jewish people, gay people, snails, red panties. Doesn't matter. You start slinging mud and it splashes back, filling your well until you fill it enough to step out of it. You feel accomplished! But now you have a well full of trash and mud and it's an eyesore. So you try to use more mud and trash to cover it. Looks even uglier. So you try and plant flowers and hope no one notices the flowers sink into mud, decaying.

So then you start criticizing everyone else's mud well and making them feel ashamed of theirs. Some will accept your abuse and even return it.

However there are those who see one anothers mudpit of anger and hate and decide to help one another. They both pump the mud from both of their pits, then take a rest, share a lunch even. Then they work even harder to build a foundation for the wells. The materials are simple and functional and cheap!

Meanwhile you're trying to plant false flowers, scoffing at the people who are doing all this hard work to rebuild their well's foundation. They are even leaving their own wells to help finish someone elses! The nerve!

Just as you finish planting the the expensive unsinkable fake flowers, you see beautiful landscaped wells around you. These people, the ones that are understanding, kind and happy. They are allowing other people to drink from their well because they have so much extra to give. Everyone's water tastes different but it's refreshing, healing, joyful....

And you sulk and pout, even turning away offers of help because you don't like how this person dresses, or what this person believes.

Now tell me, would you enjoy having the only mud filled, fake flower topped well in the neighborhood? Surrounded by all the beautiful, landscaped well around you. You are constantly invited over but your refuse because you can't let go of your prejudices, your beliefs that someone else taught you. Beliefs that never felt right. Beliefs that instill fear, anger and mistrust within you and forces you to project to others.

Love thy Neighbor.

An it harm none, do as ye will.

Start simple. Start understanding. Start learning. Grow. Accept help. Give help. You;d be surprised on how fast your well becomes as beautiful as those around you.

K.L. Farr April 2014 (c)

Monday, April 30, 2012

So, here's my offical start to the world of Work at Home Mom

Yep, I am going to work from home. It's been a month of researching, eliminating the scammers and no gooders(Well the worse of them) and picking out the quality free ones, or very cheap.

Independence Everyday

This is one of my "learning sites" This was put together by Stone Evans and his crew just for me. For the price of free, plus about $12 for gathering domain and about $25 for hosting. It's pretty good so far for the price. I have yet to make a dollar but my traffic is steadily growing which is good. It's attached to multiple steams of income so if one doesn't cut it, I have back ups in place. I hope to really customize the site a little more just so I can have more hands on practice with site managing. Each of your income streams have different payout thresholds so I'm still getting the hang of it.

Super Green Discounts

This site is actually another test of mine that cost me a $1 to have created. You are guaranteed a $100 your first 48 hours, mainly during your testing phase of your site to make sure it works. After that it's $49 for the upkeep of EVERYTHING. The down side is you have have $250 in your earning account to get a payout by a certain date. The cool thing about is with every person that signs up to look, they plant a tree. Then, you're giving choices of free trials which I have tried one and it not too bad. Make sure to talk to the Customer service before your trial ends. They want to keep you as a customer so they will bend over backwards to give you more time to try their services.

Cooling Your Way, Any Day

This one is the most expensive site I had created. It was between $100-$200 to have created, get hosting etc ad so forth. I just had to provide a domain (Seems to be a trend here)and a subject I was interested in. In this one, Clickbank became a new source of interest.

Ah Clickbank, such a bustling marketplace with everything from Realistic Flight Sims (Like linked above) to, well...use your imagination. very reliable and all mostly honest (or completely honest) marketers are on here because you have to be on the up and up to be seen as god on here. The slightest scam or ripoff and you'll be voted off faster than William Hung at the Apollo (Personally I think the guy has big brass ones to sing that badly in front of the public).

I will close this post and try to post again....maybe tomorrow? One can hope, huh? Thank you to all who have glanced at my blog. It means a lot and I would be very grateful if I could see some comments to let me know you are actually enjoying my words. A simple "hi" would work wonders.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sucks Donkey Kong

Ever wish life was like Donkey Kong? See a flaming barrel, jump over it. Eat a banana to cure all health problems and when you need a friend, just call up Diddy Kong, he's always there right where you need him.

Instead, we don't get to see the flaming barrel until it's already set you o fire and taking you with it. Diddy doesn't always know when he's needed and that banana? Well, I could give you some imagery that's not at all pleasant when a banana is concerned.

I've tried to start this blog so many times it's not even funny. One problem is, I'm a private person by nature. Sure, I'll socialize and say just enough to give you a fair idea of who I am and what my problems are but reality is, I;m not eger for the world to know me. I'm not that interesting and I'm very mundane and so on and so forth. Sometimes, I think I'm bi polar, up on moment, down the next. And other days I think I'm depressed. Maybe I'm veering towards Scizo (Which is my greatest nightmare BTW) but again, the symptoms don't match up. Some night, I can't sleep due to my over active mind, and some days I can't wake up at a decent hour. I can't focus on anything but basic functions of life and even then I'm struggling to preform such tasks as eating and providing for family.

I have computer skills, Military life, I can sew, craft, read for hours on end, cook forever, play video games....but none of that gives me any stress relief nor pleasure like it used to. Maybe I'm just being a wuss about it all but the fact of the matter (and the point of all this) Is that something is wrong. But I don't know what it is. Feels like I'm being sabotaged every times I make headway and that people are going out of their way to sabotage my life to make themselves feel better. I do something that makes life a little easier to manage and wham, they disrupt my groove like a bull in the china shop.

Oh well. Better get some type to care for Sick Hubby and Little One.

Monday, March 28, 2011

French toast adventures

Today, I made overnight french toast. Well, I started the process last night during dinner(Which BTW was quick beefy cheesy nachos) and finished it this morning. Cooked up sage savory sausage, drizzled maple syrup over it and added a couple of sliced strawberries. Hubby approves :). Now what to make next?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy 9th Anniversary! (Or I don't need cupid, I choose my own love)

9 years...that's an long time considering how things got started. We've laughed, cried, fought, made up, rinse, lather and repeat in random order but the theme is the same, I love my best friend. No matter my flaws I love him. Even though there have been times I wanted hang him by his toenails over a cliff to where swamp gators were waiting for him to have a snack, he always does something in the same breath that reminds me why I love him. And as tradition dictates, we never have a frou-frou, sappy, together times celebrating the occasion. Not that I'm the frou-frou type but once in a blue moon, I get the girl urge for it. You'd figure after all of this time, I deserve to do something cheesy and he, you know, be there to enjoy it with me. But alas, it's like the universe goes out of it's way to make sure we never get together time to celebrate US on the day we formally choose to promise one to the other and vice versa. So, in light of this, I am going to try and plan a 10 year party, and if I have to drag him kicking and screaming, so be it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One month down, 18 years and 11 months to go...

BG is 1 month old, Yay! But she's very opinionated already. If she sleeps, it's going to be near mommy and daddy so the crib at the foot of the bed is not cutting it anymore. Time to find a co-sleeper to put next to the bed so we all can get some rest @,@.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I hope to Cthulhu it's not Colic

I think I rather face the deep evil reaches of the green tentacled evil than a colicky baby. BG has hit the three week mark (The starting point of this evil period of time) which means, if it is Colic, it could last till 3 months. (Are you serious?!). No rhyme or reason for the ailment but a lot of speculation that pretty much in few words means you're SOL. *sigh*

Thankfully it's a rule of threes and she must have all three for it to qualify. Crying for 3 hours, it happens for 3 days a week (or more) and goes on for 3 weeks. So far it's been sporadic and she's just been unusually fussy and picky about everything.