Monday, April 30, 2012

So, here's my offical start to the world of Work at Home Mom

Yep, I am going to work from home. It's been a month of researching, eliminating the scammers and no gooders(Well the worse of them) and picking out the quality free ones, or very cheap.

Independence Everyday

This is one of my "learning sites" This was put together by Stone Evans and his crew just for me. For the price of free, plus about $12 for gathering domain and about $25 for hosting. It's pretty good so far for the price. I have yet to make a dollar but my traffic is steadily growing which is good. It's attached to multiple steams of income so if one doesn't cut it, I have back ups in place. I hope to really customize the site a little more just so I can have more hands on practice with site managing. Each of your income streams have different payout thresholds so I'm still getting the hang of it.

Super Green Discounts

This site is actually another test of mine that cost me a $1 to have created. You are guaranteed a $100 your first 48 hours, mainly during your testing phase of your site to make sure it works. After that it's $49 for the upkeep of EVERYTHING. The down side is you have have $250 in your earning account to get a payout by a certain date. The cool thing about is with every person that signs up to look, they plant a tree. Then, you're giving choices of free trials which I have tried one and it not too bad. Make sure to talk to the Customer service before your trial ends. They want to keep you as a customer so they will bend over backwards to give you more time to try their services.

Cooling Your Way, Any Day

This one is the most expensive site I had created. It was between $100-$200 to have created, get hosting etc ad so forth. I just had to provide a domain (Seems to be a trend here)and a subject I was interested in. In this one, Clickbank became a new source of interest.

Ah Clickbank, such a bustling marketplace with everything from Realistic Flight Sims (Like linked above) to, well...use your imagination. very reliable and all mostly honest (or completely honest) marketers are on here because you have to be on the up and up to be seen as god on here. The slightest scam or ripoff and you'll be voted off faster than William Hung at the Apollo (Personally I think the guy has big brass ones to sing that badly in front of the public).

I will close this post and try to post again....maybe tomorrow? One can hope, huh? Thank you to all who have glanced at my blog. It means a lot and I would be very grateful if I could see some comments to let me know you are actually enjoying my words. A simple "hi" would work wonders.